The business case for freedom of speech

February 23rd, 2009

As the Business Post and Metro newspaper mention, eircom are now going to block websites, starting with The Pirate Bay. Case by case basis from here on in. Once IRMA go to Court asking for a site to be blocked, eircom will not challenge it.

So first they’ll start with the Pirate Bay. Then comes Mininova, IsoHunt, then comes YouTube (they have dodgy stuff, right?), how long before we have because someone quoted a newspaper article or a section of a book? And don’t think they’ll stop there too, any site that links to The Pirate Bay and the others on the hate list will probably be added to the list too. Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

This is bad on many accounts. 99% of people are being punished for what a tiny percentage of people are doing. Sometimes this can be justified. Handgun bans etc. I don’t think a website is a loaded weapon though.

Pirate Finger Puppet (from Logan)
Photo owned by _cck_ (cc)

I’m sure the business case for eircom was they didn’t want any more costly High Court actions with McDowell biting at their legs on the command of the music industry but this is going to open up a can of worms with IRMA demanding more and more attacks on how people surf the net, this is what it is in my view an attack on our freedom to read, our freedom to write, our freedom to move around the web. All so a very rich but rapidly becoming poor group of luddites can feel better for seeing the future and trying to fight it.

And of course the costs of communications with IRMA and of the filtering is going to be passed on to the consumer. The cost of blocking a single site will be almost nothing I suppose but as more sites get added and as the arms race between the pirates and the ISPs escalates, then it’ll become complicated and complicated costs more. So again the majority get to pay for the inability of the music industry to work with the modern world and the pirates who want to bring all digital content to the masses without any technological or monetary restrictions.

I really don’t like the idea that I can’t be trusted to surf the Internet unsupervised. I hope the other ISPs fight this.

Normal service etc.

February 20th, 2009

The Blog Awards, being tomorrow means I have no free time at all to witter away here posting videos and links to shiny things.


Casiotone for the Painfully Alone – White Corolla

Bord Gais Energy did something interesting last night

February 18th, 2009

They talked to bloggers. They told us of their new consumer electricity offering ahead of the press conference about it which is one right now. They asked us for opinions and answered every question. Genuine consumers got genuine answers in a nice relaxed atmosphere. They’re now in the electricity market with a guaranteed 10% cheaper than the ESB offering.

This is the ad which will be seen on TV soon enough.

I was seriously impressed with the transparency from a company of their size. Others will fill you in on the consumer issues they addressed.

Final sssst

February 17th, 2009

Blog Awards 09 Finalists are out.

Don’t forget

February 16th, 2009

The blogger and company event tomorrow night in Dublin. If you’re a blogger, please come along.

Oh and check out my new twitter mug I was given from Walter and his Twitter fun machine:

Fluffy Links – Monday February 16th 2009

February 16th, 2009

Happy Irish Blogs Week!

Niall Harbison loves nothing better than wiggling his ass to a Beyonce song. It says so in the Sunday Times!

Clare Herbert has a nice piece on how the very rich Ryan Tubridy should stop tutting about a recession that really he won’t be suffering in.

Thomas O’Dwyer over on Open Democracy has written a piece on post-election Israel.

Pay Per Performance SEO? Michael Wall’s take.

Best sleeping bag ever.

Technology distracts us and we were fine before it? Not so.

10 Facebook privacy tips.

Meanwhile a Dutch Minister tweets from the Cabinet table. And gets a bollocking.

Via Fabulist: Shenandoah Davis – “We; Camera”

Via The Presets – If I know You

Your name in foam – Give some feedback to Made in Hollywood

February 15th, 2009

Made in Hollywood is a sponsor for the upcoming Blog Awards and Fran, the man who made the Ws for the Web Awards has started blogging. The first blog post is soliciting ideas on what he should cover in this blog. The top 10 ideas givers will get their name in foam.

Get suggesting. I wonder could we choose something other than your name? I can just see the expletives and lolcat phrases being layed by the giant foamchicken or however these things are made.

Bathtime psychology
Photo owned by janetmck (cc)

Fluffy links – Friday February 13th 2009

February 13th, 2009

One more day to go for my chocolates and roses…

Fantastic fundraising panel at Bizcamp.

Looks like we’re going to have a bareknuckle fight at the blog awards. Funnily this blog post makes me want to watch Westside Story. Have it on my shelf so I might as well!

Loving this photo from McA.

Real men. By Hugh.

Take a photo, it tells you the font.

Potholes and Google maps.

Trailer for new Tarantino flick. I dunno. His last was dire.

Via Una, foxes on a trampoline:

Boom: FF trails Labour in latest Irish Times poll, FF 22 down 5

February 12th, 2009

Irish Times poll:
FF 22 -5,
FG 32 -2,
Lab 24 +10,
SF 9 +1,
Green Party 4 no move,
Govt Approval 14,
Disapproval 85

You’re cordially invited: Pre-launch event by one of Irelands largest companies

February 12th, 2009

8pm, Tuesday 17th Feb, Casting Couch, Fitzwilliam Sq, Dublin

I’m organising a pre-launch event where the above company will brief bloggers on the roll-out of their new product and an overview of how they intend to market it to the masses. This company has never worked with/interacted with bloggers before and they’d like the input from bloggers amd readers (that’s you!) you as to how best to engage with their customer base (in excess of 500,000). Your input will help shape how they interact with their customers and market to their customers in the future. Your feedback might directly change how a big Irish company works. Looks like Collision Course is making an impact!

All will be revealed on the night as to who they are and what they’re launching. You know, pre-launch, so it’s shush shush for now. This is certainly a new one and though there’s bias as I’m organising it, I’m genuinely impressed with the attitude of the people that are working on this, working very hard on this actually and who think online has to be in a marketing plan. If it works I’m sure other big companies might cop on to the idea that talking to the public is good for business.

There’ll also be some food and light refreshments at the event. Leave your name in the comments if you want to attend.

3D Invites - Wedding layout
Photo owned by Hans van de Bruggen (cc)